Thursday, March 09, 2006

The mundane...

I've been too erratic of late, when it comes to updating this blog. I won't feign being busy and give that as a reason (but yes, work and other personal stuff do keep me busy). That is no excuse for not blogging.

Of late, a bunch of us geeks, to whom "performance gain" till recently would mean how many CPU cycles we shaved off of a particular kernel routine, have started taking interest in learning about performance gain of a different kind. Some of the folks at office religiously track NAVs of mutual funds, etc. Corridor discussions during lunch and work breaks invariably are about stocks, mutual funds, retirement plans, real-estate and the like. If you asked my friend Harry, who has just finished his PGSM (Congrats buddy!) to put it in MBAspeak, he'd probably say - "It is the normal process wherein the resources are broadening their skill base by extending their core competency to leverage modern avenues of financial gain."

BTW, I'll be visiting my alma mater this weekend on a work related trip. It sure willto be a nostalgic trip.

Finally, check this one out....

I haven't been able to do justice to my hobby. Hopefully, that'll change. That said, I have already drawn up a wishlist for the Canada trip later in the year: A flash for the Rebel, a macro mode lens, a spare battery pack...


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