Sunday, February 14, 2010

Living from story to story

Sorry Shah Rukh, your time in the limelight is up. You are no longer 'hot'. 9 people died in a bomb blast in Pune. That many more would die in single road accidents, or in building collapses elsewhere, is of no interest. They are victims, of a different malaise -- of the terrorists who devour money when nobody is looking to sign on the dotted lines for licences to drive and to build when the people who end up getting them aren't capable of either.

Rest in Peace, Departed Souls. As I write this, your untimely, unnecessary death has caused the 'News' channels to rehash the same debates you were privy to, after the Parliament attacks, the Mumbai bomb blasts, Akshardham, 26/11, .... Further, it has helped strengthening one aspect of our National culture -- we are really getting good at the "All talk, no action" doctrine. You have also provided fodder for the 24x7 'News' Channels. Thanks to you, they can survive a few more days. But, I am sorry to report, there aren't too many mentions of who you were.

I am more sorry that you'll be completely forgotten as soon as a new 'hot' topic comes up. Talk about living story to story... the Indian News media thrives on it.


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