The Pacific Northwest
Whew! After a whirlwind week-long work related tour of the Pacific northwest, I am now back to my temporary home base. All I can say about the northwest is that it is one of the most naturally endowed areas in the world. An hour to the west from Portland takes you to the Pacific Ocean shores, an hour to the north and you will be staring at an active volcano, an hour to the east and you are in a nature belt that is as green as it can get and, I was told that if you continue east for a half hour on I-84, you'll get to an area as barren as it can get. More in subsequent posts.
are samples of pictures I've managed to shoot. Wait for more about the trip.
About second photo - Canon's photo 'stitch' software? Or a really wide angled lens?
In fact, both the pics are multiple jpgs stitched together, just that the seams aren't seen that easily. I just shot quite a few pics with the intention of stitching them up.
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